
Beon is a digital platform built by logistic experts Transportation Insight (TI) and Nolan Transportation Group (NTG). They want to showcase a future-forward approach and deliver a simple, sustainable, and resilient supply chain from manufacturer to consumer.The team worked on the idea that "Great tech (Em)powering greater people." With that in mind, we developed a bold and nimble design system that supports the platform's intentions to bring technology and logistics to serve people, not the other way around. Symbols, photography, and design elements convey the perfect integration between the technological aspect of the service and the attention to the people working in the industry.

Beon won a gold medal at the Transform Awards 2022
for the "Best visual identity from the transport and logistics sector."

Creative Director Executive: William Woduschegg

Design Director/Art: Maria Samodra

Creative Director/Copy: Blaine McEvoy

Senior Graphic Designer: Manuela Roncon

Agency: Interbrand

All works © Manuela Roncon 2022